Class Offerings

  • Vinyasa Flow

    A dynamic flow that emphasizes the connection between breath and movement. Welcoming students of various fitness and lifestyle routines, this medium intensity class seamlessly transitions you from one posture to the next working and stretching in equal measure. Poses in this multi level class are woven together through the incorporation of breath at every level of the practice thus keeping the mind vibrant and aware of its potential. Expect to feel the power of your breath while developing full body strength and stability. A relaxing Savasana can always be expected to conclude the practice.

    Offered: 6am Tuesday, 7am Thursday, 9am Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. 12pm Monday & Wednesday. 6pm Monday & Thursday.

  • Slow Flow

    Slow flow is a blend of gentle vinyasa and restorative yoga and is still about self care. Through the gentle vinyasa portion of class students will connect to their bodies through movement and breath, focusing on listening to the body and giving it what it needs. During the restorative yoga portion students will allow the body to rest and reset while being supported by blankets, blocks, or bolsters. This conscious rest allows our minds and other tissues to relax, supporting the natural healing process of our bodies.

    Offered: 6:30pm Wednesday

  • Regulate & Flow

    In this class we explore the benefits of regulating the nervous system and awakening our fascia. Fascia release requires you to get intimate with your body and learn how to feel beneath the skin so you can become more aware of your bodies holding patterns. This class will incorporate fascia release and vinyasa movement.

    Offered: 9am Tuesday

  • Candlelight Yin

    The Yin yoga practice is slower paced and postures are held longer, designed to access deeper flexibility in both muscle and connective tissue. We combine deep stretching of the body and gentle relaxing of the mind. The warm glow of candlelight helps to focus the mind inward, releasing stress and resetting your energy. This class is for all levels; several variations are offered each asana (pose). Expect a slightly warm room.

    Offered: 7:30pm Monday & Thursday

  • Kundalini

    Kundalini yoga is a practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, chanting, and meditation to increase self awareness and consciousness. The practice aims to activate Kundalini energy, located at the base of the spine. The goal is to draw this energy up through the body and awaken all seven chakras.

    Offered: Third Friday of Month

  • Restorative Yoga

    Our restorative yoga class is suitable for practitioners of all levels. You will find this a restful practice that holds poses for a longer duration using blocks and/or blankets. This class is all about supporting your body and allowing it to heal.

    Offered: 6pm Tuesday